
Pastors & Staff

Allen Pangburn

Senior Pastor

Pastor Allen, who is our Senior Pastor and his wife Molly have been pastoring Praise Tabernacle for 24 years. They have a heart to reach the lost, care for the hurting and introduce people to Jesus. As the Rhode Island director of Christians United for Israel, Pastor Allen strongly supports the State of Israel. His strong desire is to encourage people in their faith and to tell unbelievers that God is their friend and not their enemy.

Levi Pangburn

Associate Pastor

Pastor Levi is passionate about the word of God and the power of a local church to transform a community. He is an advocate and pillar for many in the recovery world. He and his wife Gilannie are raising three little girls, Gia, Zoë and Sky.

Barry Seymour

Student Pastor

Pastor Barry is our Children's Pastor over our Blast Kids Ministry. He and his wife Wendy, have a tremendous passion for teaching and raising our next generation to be all God has created them to be. He has a desire to understand the ever so changing culture children are raised in and his creative communication of Biblical truths keeps kids engaged, excited to learn.

David Marquard

Administrative Pastor

Pastor Dave and his wife Anne believe strongly in the power God’s Word has to positively change lives and equip people to make a difference in the world around them.