May 20th, 2024
Let’s suppose for a moment that you don’t believe in God as your creator and Jesus Christ as your savior, and that there is no heaven or hell.
But I want you just for a few seconds right now to ask yourself “What if?”
What if there is a God that created all things and is in complete control of the universe?
What if there is a heaven and what if there is a hell?
What if Jesus Christ came to for you on the cross?
I ask you the same question that I asked a man a while ago who was a confirmed atheist.
What if I’m right and your wrong?
Did you ever consider the "what ifs?"
What if you see Jesus on judgement day; do you think you will get a second chance?
What do you think he will say to you?
What if there is a place called heaven and a place called hell?
Jesus promised, “I go to prepare a place for you (heaven). I will come back and take you with me that you also may be where I am.”
| John 14:3
But I want you just for a few seconds right now to ask yourself “What if?”
What if there is a God that created all things and is in complete control of the universe?
What if there is a heaven and what if there is a hell?
What if Jesus Christ came to for you on the cross?
I ask you the same question that I asked a man a while ago who was a confirmed atheist.
What if I’m right and your wrong?
Did you ever consider the "what ifs?"
What if you see Jesus on judgement day; do you think you will get a second chance?
What do you think he will say to you?
What if there is a place called heaven and a place called hell?
Jesus promised, “I go to prepare a place for you (heaven). I will come back and take you with me that you also may be where I am.”
| John 14:3
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